Monday, November 30, 2015

Invention Commercial

Hey everyone! So our class just finished our commercial invention project and its been a blast! We had many goals for this project, some of them we accomplished but some of them we didn't, mostly because we were bad at using our time wisely. Anyway, I think our team's main goal for this assignment was to

During our project while filming and getting all the b-roll we need, I think our best team moment was when we made Talia climb into my dryer, I made her to it about 5 times because the door would not close all the time. It was a moment where we all laughed and it was very enjoyable spending time together.

While we were editing and putting our footage into one awesome commercial we split the job of editing into parts for each of us so we can all contribute. I would say that Talia and I took turns doing most of the editing. Asha helped edit some parts or helped us make a decision when we were deciding between two thing like to keep a certain clip or throw it out. We all made the decision on what kind of music we wanted and who's voice-overs would come first and who was doing each voice-over.

Our team ended up  getting one vote! I'm a little surprised because during
our critique I saw many videos that I thought
 were better than ours. Maybe someone voted for
 the wrong video accidentally? I'm not sure.


I thought how the class evaluated made sense and for the most part
 made sense I'm glad that we got these results.

This is our commercial plan that we used to organize what our commercial was gonna be about.

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