Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lessons Learned

  • Describe: most interesting part of your project
  • Explain: biggest roadblock your team handled
  • Discuss: most valuable part of filmmaking process
  • Upload: 1-2 original images to add visual interest

Hi guys I just wanted to share about whats kind of happening currently with my team Ashley Meleana and Talia. Right now we are working on getting all of our interviews transcribed on a different document that we made in google drive. I know we were supposed to transcribe it on the writing tools document that Mr. Sanderl shared with us but we wanted to make sure we had a copy of it and on the document it just looked more clearer and organized to us so when were done transcribing it on the document we'll copy and paste it into the Writing tools document. The most interesting thing so far on this Hiki No project is probably what happens in the interviews when the camera is on and when we sometimes goof off. This is actually pretty interesting because we were filming a 6th grader and that student was really fun to work with and funny. Also when Talia and I got to be excused from 3rd period to film some b-roll off some really funny "cute" 8th grade boys.

Our team is doing pretty good but one of the biggest problems that we've ran into is getting all 3 interviews transcribed. We decided to make our own document because we wanted too organize it a different way and make sure we had a copy of  I guess. At the end when we had to move into the writing tools document that Mr. Sanderl gave us the font and size that we used was wrong so it ended up screwing up the whole document. At the end we got it back to normal with Mr. Sanderl's help and we also got a 4/4 (an A).

In my opinion the most valuable part of filmmaking progress is staying calm and not overreacting about not finishing while staying aware you have a due date and you need to get it finished. If you think about it, it actually kind of is the most difficult part because if you have a technical problem you could always ask one of your classmates, your teacher, or just look it up on the internet. But if you overreact or fight with your teammates and start having a problem you kind of  have to deal with it on your own because its a more mental problem.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Hiki No Behind the Scenes

So far in GT we recently just started a new project, either a New story or a profile story. Our team Talia Meleana Ashley and I choose to do a Profile story on Mrs. Sanderl. A profile is usually a story on someone specific about them self usually their job/passion. So far we filmed all the b-roll but were really behind in transcribing them all. Were still not done with the main interview on Mrs. Sanderl, were about 1/3 done transcribing it and not even close to done editing it. We decided to interview Gabriela and Michael two students in our Art class.

When the camera is not rolling were usually just preparing for when the camera is rolling or sometimes trying to take pics or just playing around. Our team has already had lots of fun doing our project just interviewing and filling out pitch sheets. It turns out interviewing 6th graders is a big challenge but really funny. Some things that our team can do to make our project better is using our time a little more better and making sure were prepared for filming and stuff. Overall the mistakes and screw ups that we made we all still had fun and got some really good work done.