I think the reason why Mr. Sanderl had us do the Photoshop experiment to see what we know so far and how we would so without his help and on our own when most people never actually used Photoshop in their life. Another reason why I think we did this experiment was to get to know the app and play around with all the tools and brushes and paint electronically. Since I was in GT last year and most of the other 7th graders in our class was too we already kind of had an idea about Photoshop and how to use some of it but we ended up still learning new things about the app. There was so many new things for us to learn in the experiment.
My favorite moment so far in 7th grade at Kapa'a Middle School is Art Class with Mrs. Sanderl. This is my favorite moment because its our teacher makes it really fun and we have more freedom I guess I can say in that class. Another one of my favorite moments here at school is playing and eating with my friends in the home ec room. These are my favorite moments because Art doesn't feel like school it seems like one of the things I would do for fun during summer. Hanging out with my friends are also fun because that's when My friend Sydney and I get to play spy and say hello to the new six graders HAHAHA.
One of my biggest challenges here in school is passing English with a A or B because we have these kind of hard vocab tests where we have to write, spell, and put the definition of the word. The last time I took my vocab test I got a C so I checked my work and found out my teacher corrected some of it wrong so she changed it to a B. Also during English I almost got a zero on my test because my English teacher miss placed my work into a her 6th period 8th grade class. I will try hard to pass by getting my work in on time and making sure my work will be placed correctly.
Some things I will do to be successful this year is try my hardest and complete all my work with the highest quality that I can do. I will also be nice to my teachers and try show no attitude. I know I will have a successful year if I do these things and more. Everyone have a great year :)