Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile Story

Before we did our real "Words of Wisdom" project we did a practice video so we knew what to do when we have to do the real thing. My teams practice story was about volleyball with Keegan and Kuumomi. I was the main subject on this practice story because I play on a volleyball team and our story was on volleyball. I think we could've filmed better b-roll because a lot of it was blurry and un focused. I think the overall story of it was pretty good.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Profile Project Progress

Recently now my team and I are working on a Words of Wisdom project where we interview someone older than us that can share some words of wisdom. We are interviewing Mr. Relacion a 7th grade English teacher at Kapaa Middle School. We filmed during school for the interview, b-roll, and voiceovers. We are doing this project because we wanted to show everyone what it takes to be an awesome teacher like Mr. Relacion.

We filmed b-roll for our project to visually show what Mr. Relacion does. B-roll is used to hide the narration or interview cuts and to visually show or explain what the person being interviewed is talking about. Also B-roll is a way of easily showing what their talking about so the audience can relate to the story better. Also for our project we had one person narrate the story so we had to film and record voiceovers. Voice overs introduce the person and tell part of the story in the beginning, middle, and end.

I think our team could of worked better by splitting up the work more evenly and also taking turns doing each job. Keegan Kessler Kuumomi Thompson are my partners for this project and over all I think we work pretty good together. Telling by the critique above I think we should work more on the visuals of the story the most and try make the audio, story, and quality a little better.

Our team can improve from good to great by filming more B-roll and making sure it in focus so its clear. Also we could film better voice overs because the voice overs I did weren't clear enough. In the end I believe our team will have a really great story to share and project.